Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today my friend blase and I got to work on not flash animation but flash ActionScript. Pretty much this is a game making processor. For example, you know a video game site. Well its just like that but it is not a game. ( I haven't gotten that far) I couldn't really do this with out my friend Blase. Even though he was kinda douchy when he would give me the site for the tutorials. It seems that I cant upload it. If you go to my school just stop me in the hall and I'll show you.


Monday, January 26, 2009


Everybody has been talking about Educon and no that its over I can relax. I wish I could help out for extra credit but I had to work. But, on the good side I got my money's worth. My friends blase, tyrone, and some other people went and they said that it was jammed packed in the school. Well now that its over I dont have to walk right in the hallways. (not that I ever did) Thanks for reading.

Friday, January 23, 2009


The best reason for having a computer near you 24/7, is that you can capture the funniest thing that is happening and you have a camera on it. Threw the times I have got so many videos that just made me cry till my belly hurt. Here is one that was pretty funny.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Remember the old days.

Remember the old days when you were the odd one out of your whole school. Well, maybe not but i was one of those kids. Every day that I went to school I was either called ghey, loser, or just ignored and picked on. I don't know why this happened to me, but it just got into my mind that I have to change. But inside I really didn't want to change myself. I just changed the outer look of me. Like different cloths, new look and that kinda thing. Even though still I was picked on and ignored. I knew that if I tried a little bit more i would get it. So I acted different. Now this did change my whole personality but I kinda was talked to normally. I came to this school in 5th grade. I don't know why but they just hated me for coming late to the school. Like that i wasn't there in the 1st grade. Now i left my old school Saint Francis Xavier cause the same thing happened. No change in the schools but Greenfield was the worst. I just couldn't wait to get out of that school, it was tearing my apart in the inside. Finally, 8th grade, the last year that I have to deal with. But then I realized that I had to speak up for myself and make a change in those assholes that I went to school with. I told them straight up to get out of my face, don't fucking talk about me behind my back, and just that if you have fun picking on people that don't do anything back, get someone else cause I'm through with you and your little posy. Now I don't fight at all, I'm a truthful person, I cant lie if my life was on the line. So not a response came back and I walked away.
Now I'm at SLA, the best school that I have ever been to. Nobody could judge me for what I do and how I act. Thanks for reading.

A kids life.

When you look at the world you may see everything in a different way than others. The way that I see it is with friends and family to be there for you. At SLA (Science Leadership Academy) my friends are always there for me and I'm there for them. When I put them all together it goes down to Blase, Tariq, and most of the Kewl Khidz iNC. Blase and I mod a lot of stuff. For example; we are working on an application called Adobe Flash. All you do is animation movies. We havent figured out to mae a game but were gettin' there. Then theres Tariq. Two words to describe him...HALO and Mupen64. Other wise he is a really cool guy to hang with after school. Last but not least Kewl Khidz iNC. They each have names like Kewl Khid Snappz, Kewl Khid Elmo, Kewl Kihd Manilla, then others. They are those kind of people that are there for you and care for you. My thing that i represent is MC†89. What it means is that the M is McClendon, my last name, then C is Corriveau, my moms last name. The 89 s the number of letters in the name. So if you want to have a † name. First, What is the first letter in both of your parents last name. Second count the number of letters in both last names. Last, add it all up and put a a † in between the letters and the numbers. (The way to make it is by holding option then T. I really like my school, or as the Kewl Khids would spell it, skewl. Later poeple, ill have a new blog post up soon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

MC†89 Blog

Hey! Welcome to my blog. I got this idea to make a blog from Blase....a good friend of mine. I know I stole the idea from him but i mean come on, i cant have one? Eh. Well i live in Center City Area in Philadelphia, PA. I go to SLA (Science Leadership Academy). What I've found out is that NONE of my friends from my school live around me. ITS RIDICULES! I mean people take the same bus as me but its that I DON'T KNOW THEM! Then there's a thing that I LOVE to death no matter what happens that it.....ill give you a second to think about what it is.................anything..........here ill give a hint: A, B, X, Y................slanted anologs.............left right bumpers.........if you dont have it yet "tisk tisk". ITS AN XBOX 360. I cant really explain you have to buy one and add the gamer xTECHG33Kx MODE. I play COD5 (Call fo Duty: World at War) all the time. Hey a little tounge twister.. try and say World at War 10 times fast. I couldnt do it. Well thats it cause my fingers are starting to hurts so ill make another entrie later peace out thanks for reading.
