Wednesday, January 7, 2009

MC†89 Blog

Hey! Welcome to my blog. I got this idea to make a blog from Blase....a good friend of mine. I know I stole the idea from him but i mean come on, i cant have one? Eh. Well i live in Center City Area in Philadelphia, PA. I go to SLA (Science Leadership Academy). What I've found out is that NONE of my friends from my school live around me. ITS RIDICULES! I mean people take the same bus as me but its that I DON'T KNOW THEM! Then there's a thing that I LOVE to death no matter what happens that it.....ill give you a second to think about what it ill give a hint: A, B, X, Y................slanted anologs.............left right bumpers.........if you dont have it yet "tisk tisk". ITS AN XBOX 360. I cant really explain you have to buy one and add the gamer xTECHG33Kx MODE. I play COD5 (Call fo Duty: World at War) all the time. Hey a little tounge twister.. try and say World at War 10 times fast. I couldnt do it. Well thats it cause my fingers are starting to hurts so ill make another entrie later peace out thanks for reading.


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